Hey, Guys! No, 2020 Hasn’t Done Me In. I’m Still Here. Let’s Catch Up!

Hello long lost readers!! If you are a follower of mine you may have noticed a brief absence on my part….6 months, but who’s got time to count? Time flies when you’re pregnant, moving houses, having baby from said pregnancy, and COVID all hit. Why, hello 2020! Sooooo….where to begin?? We have a beautiful new […] Read more…


2.5 Year Old Girl Gift Guide

All of the holidays have been beyond fun this year. Lyla is finally able to really take everything in and her excitement just radiates out to the entire family. I honestly wasn’t sure if she would ever recover once Halloween ended. She literally loved every single decoration we would drive past from a simple spiderweb, […] Read more…


A Tired Mama’s Mantra

Lyla recently started going to Mother’s Day Out for the first time. I was well aware and accepting of the fact that we would go through the dreaded immune-building year. For those of you who haven’t experienced this, it is a horrible, but true, urban legend in which a child that has been kept at […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!! I hope everyone has a wonderful long weekend! We will be going out for a celebratory dinner, kicking off college football season, and enjoying some much-needed family time. Here are my favorite links, thoughts, and finds from this week. Enjoy!! Favorite Article: The Cast of Downton Abbey Reverses Their Roles. I love these […] Read more…


5 Simple Things You Can Do Today to Eat Healthier

If you were to Google “how to eat healthy”, you’d get some pretty solid results. As I write this, the top links come from NHS, HHS, Self Magazine, Healthline, and the American Heart Association. Almost all of the sites offer similar advice: eat more fruits and veggies, eat more fiber, cut down on sugar, avoid […] Read more…


What I Took Away From My Calorie Counting Experiment

I recently wrote about my experience with counting calories. You can read the full post here, but spoiler alert: it didn’t become my new lifestyle. Why? First off, I enjoy food. Period. Counting calories removes all joy out of food in my humble blatant opinion. Secondly, I choose happiness. When I’m hungry all day every […] Read more…


My Experience with Calorie Counting

We all have those moments where we just feel fat. It could be the truth, it could be a bad case of the Mondays, or bloating, or bloating on a Monday, or simply the aftermath of a bit too much indulging. I will blame my personal reason on the latter. After enjoying a much anticipated […] Read more…


2019 Father’s Day Gift Guide

Father’s Day is less than a week away! We just celebrated Lyla’s second birthday, so my focus has been primarily on her party weekend and I may have dropped the ball on good ole’ dad. If you’re like me and have waited until you’re down to the wire, then let me offer you some inspiration. […] Read more…


5 Homemade Salad Dressings

I love a good salad. Now let me clarify, bad salads are awful. I’ll never forget making the dumb “smart” decision to order a spinach salad at a burger restaurant. It was literally 95% spinach, 3% balsamic vinegar, 2% walnuts and 100% a waste of $12. Never again. A good salad has lots of textures, […] Read more…


Monday Mood Booster

Happy Monday! I hope your morning is going well so far. I’m currently headed to Asheville, NC for a much anticipated ladies’ trip in celebration of my aunt’s 60th birthday. I’m fortunate to have a great relationship with my family and being around them is an instant mood booster for sure. Whether headed off for […] Read more…


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