Ok, so here’s what’s happening. The organic brand (which I discovered is owned by General Mills) Annie’s Homegrown is facing a class action law suit with the claim being their organic boxed macaroni and cheese contains phthalates and that the brand was aware of this. So, what’s the big deal right? Just another random ingredient that’s found in packaged food that we can’t pronounce (the ph is silent BTW). Well, not so much. I recently mentioned phthalates in a post about synthetic fragrances and why they should be avoided. There are a few different types and they are popular in the cosmetic and beauty world as it helps keep the artificial fragrance bonded in the product. Unfortunately, they can also be found in a whole slew of products as they help plastics to be more flexible. In 2008 they were removed from children’s toys after it was discovered that they were endocrine disrupters and they basically mimic hormones. They have been linked to reproductive problems, thyroid issues, diabetes, cancer, ADD, autism spectrum issues, and more. Oddly, the FDA really isn’t too concerned about them and claim “It’s not clear what effect, if any, phthalates have on human health” read their take here. Now, this is a bit ironic as Europe, Canada, and other countries feel differently and have much tighter restrictions and awareness of the toxin as well as other chemicals that are still used here.

So, how does any of this this affect our bunny-shaped noodle dinner? The machinery used in the factory to produce the “food” contains and is letching phthalates into the powdered “cheese”. The issue is that the brand failed to list this in a spot in which aware parents would look: on the box…..in the ingredients. One must look on the FAQ section of their website to find such valuable information. Because we parents have ample time to peruse the sites of our favorite food brands, right? #metime

You may remember that Kraft Mac and Cheese was sued a few years back for having artificial and unhealthy dyes in their cheese which were linked to nasty side effects in kids. So, I wouldn’t hold such brands in high regard. But, a brand like Annie’s that has the organic seal stamped right on there and claims to be a better alternative (while charging me double the price per box) should be held to a much higher standard. Just so you know, ten brands of boxed mac and cheese were tested and they all contained the phthalates…..the names of all companies have not yet been released. Kraft was included.

Here’s the thing. Y’all know I’m all about eating real food that’s not created in a lab and only has a few ingredients….all of which I can pronounce and understand. This is my belief of how we were meant to eat, survive, and flourish. That being said, I’m also not all about that deprivation life. I have an almost four year old who is discovering more about the world of food options every day. She literally told me yesterday that someone at school had “colorful cheerios”. A revelation that likely rocked her little world. I do monitor what my children eat quite closely, but I do not completely sensor them. I feel that if too tight of a leash is created, they will go completely wild and eat allllll the things as soon as they’re out of my controlling grasp. Moderation is what I teach. We talk a lot about “healthy foods” and “sometimes foods” or “treats”. Boxed organic macaroni and cheese is one of these. I cook a ton of things from scratch, but I’m human too and sometimes you just need something quick, and you haven’t always planned ahead, and the freezer contains only ice cream and some vodka….you get it.

I do 100% believe homemade is best, but even for those of us with the best intentions, this isn’t always possible. So, we turn to brands we want to believe are the next best thing. We as parents have 275 things to worry about at any given moment. I think it is appalling and a shame that those of us who are legit trying to make the best of choices for the good of our family now have to add reading every label on every piece of food, cleaning product, and household item known to man. Even the “healthy brands” that we so desperately want and need to make our lives just a half step easier can’t be taken at face value. Buy just produce you say? Perfect in theory. But, alas, we must be aware of the dirty dozen crops to know which items are coated in pesticides or possibly GMO. Really?!? I have to worry about whether this cobette of corn is even real food, or just a clone that looks, smells, and tastes like real food? Wonderful. A trip to the supermarket is more like a haunted house of medical issues ready to pop out of nowhere than a nice meander through food land.

Am I completely insane to believe food should be created to nourish and keep us alive instead of causing addictions that turn a profit? Is it crazy to imagine walking into a grocery store and not having to turn over every package to make sure it’s free of toxins that cause every issue known to man?

I will let my rant end with this simple advice. You have to be an advocate for you. This sometimes is exhausting and frustrating and infuriating quite bluntly, but it’s true. Most big food companies are not interested in what their product does to you after you’ve swiped your debit card and taken it home. They’ve gotten what they want. Vote with your dollars. We’ve heard that a lot this year. Get mad. When you’re craving that bag of Doritos….get mad because they have used chemicals to get you addicted to their product. When you eat your Lean Cuisine and are hungry 20 minutes later……get mad because they’ve tricked you into believing this is what it takes to reach your goal weight. When you’ve polished off your 12th Coke of the day…..get mad because the sugar (or worse, the sugar substitute) is as addictive as some drugs hence you get a headache and shakes when you try to give them up. When you try to feed your toddler what you think is a decently healthy meal alternative and then find out you’ve been deceived…..get MAD because you are doing the best you can at this parenting thing and ain’t no one got time for big money to mess with my kid’s health!

Unfortunately, I can’t even solely blame the brand for this issue. Their factory machinery should never have contained phthalates in the first place, but they are not exactly building their own supplies here. It’s the industry as a whole that needs a wake up call. I will be boycotting Annie’s products for now. This is how you make a change and get a piss-poor food industry to listen. It’s also a good reminder of why buying from local farmers whenever possible is truly the best route to go. It’s much easier to pull back the curtain and learn what’s going into your body when the grower and seller is one in the same and standing with you face to face.

Anyone have a killer homemade mac and cheese recipe?? 🙂
