The fireplace hearth and mantle are typically the focal point of any room they inhabit. This makes it the ideal backdrop for your favorite seasonal decor pieces. My design aesthetic is typically more on the minimal side. So, think fewer actual things but placed in a way that make a big impact. Whether purchasing new fall decor items, or just playing with your existing ones, here are some design tips to make your hearth cozy and festive.

  1. Centralize the focus. Hang something like a nice mirror centered and directly above the fireplace. Mirrors are timeless and add a sense of airiness. Symmetry will keep your hearth the focal point of the room and allow the eye a place to “rest”. If you, like I, have a TV hanging above the fireplace, then congrats. Your design aesthetic is combined with functionality. At least that’s how I sugarcoat the fact that I actually dislike the look of the television taking up my styling space. However, it is often the most natural place to put it. Focal point on top of focal point. Someday, I would love to invest in one of these art TVs where it looks like a piece of art when it’s not active.
  2. Switch out your art. I love the look of having a couple of pieces of art sitting on the mantle and leaning against the wall or even the mirror itself. This gallery collection is inexpensive enough where you could select a few prints to mix in with your fall decor and then swap them out during other holidays or seasons.
  3. Bring in texture. Whether a burlap runner, festive banner, or a floral garland have something to hang or drape on the mantle that offers a change of texture. All of your hearth surfaces are hard, so this helps to soften the space while adding some visual interest.
  4. Add ambiance. Candles are my forever favorite decor item to add coziness to your home. I have transitioned to mostly flameless these days for health and safety reasons. Luckily, they’ve come a long way, and the waving flicker is just as romantic as the real ones. Select a pillar holder that goes with your autumn design scheme and use different heights for the most appealing look.
  5. Select your tchotchkes thoughtfully. Your hearth is likely setting the tone for the entire room. Save the mantle for your favorite figurines. If you enjoy neutral tones as I do, a few white pumpkins and then one or two statement pieces like these birds are all you need.
  6. Add depth. Ok, so we’ve made it down to the actual hearth (aka the floor in front of the fireplace). You can get away with some asymmetry here. Think a decorative basket with a cozy throw draped over it and some birch logs propped up inside. Put this on one side of the hearth and leave the other side open. Another option is to have two tall floor lanterns with flameless candles on one side. Of course, you can always go with both. The basket on one side and the two lanterns on the other. You just want to make sure the height of the basket and the taller lantern are somewhat the same.

Do you make your hearth the focal point of your room? What’s your go-to design piece for fall?

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