My Journey to Find an Accessible Daily Workout

    I’ve always admired those who are able to fit a workout into their daily routine. I’ve made the attempt several times, but have been more of a once or twice a week on and off kind of gal. Since sweet baby came along (and completely rearranged my body), I became adamant about making […] Read more…


What I Realized After a Day Without TV

As a work from home mom, I have the television on pretty much all day. The only time it goes off is when the baby is napping and I rush to my computer to get some work done. The ironic thing is that I’m not a huge TV watcher. I have a couple of shows […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

Well it’s Master’s weekend, which means golf will be on our tv pretty much 24 hours a day for the next three days. As with most sports, I can watch a little but get bored pretty quickly. Luckily, we get to go celebrate this annual extravaganza with friends on Saturday, so I will have some […] Read more…


What to Buy at the Farmer’s Market in April

We are so fortunate to have an awesome weekly farmer’s market right down the road from our home. I have romantic notions of going every Saturday morning with the family, my canvas shopping totes in hand, and greeting my favorite vendors by name. In reality, I go a few times a year and I may […] Read more…


Why Keeping a Budget Alleviates Stress

I’ll never forget the day that I officially decided to start a budget. I looked at our account online and realized that if all the bills cleared when they were supposed to, we would overdraft. My husband and I quickly canceled his birthday plans so we would get reimbursed for some tickets. That would keep […] Read more…


My Favorite Easter Treat: Homemade Reese’s Eggs

Embracing a healthy lifestyle for me means moderation. I do have a sweet tooth, so jumping on board the “no refined sugar” train isn’t a very appealing option. Instead, I try to make desserts at home when possible. Are they better for you? I like to think so. I have control over the ingredients and […] Read more…


Cleaning Products: DIY vs Store Bought (Part 1)

After making the decision to embrace a more natural lifestyle, my first step was paying attention to what was in my food. The next step was trying to find ways to eliminate certain chemicals from the home ala cleaning products. My first instinct was to make DIY versions of everything. There were tons of recipes […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

It’s the first weekend of spring! Time for grilling out, picnics at the vineyard, and walks in the park with baby. Cue the rain in Nashville. Oh well, maybe it’s a good chance to get started on spring cleaning. Here are some of my favorite finds from the week. Favorite Scent: One of my favorite essential […] Read more…


Our Attempt to Stay Healthy During Flu Season

Flu season was never something that I was too concerned about. We would try our best to not get sick obviously, but it wasn’t a daunting task. Fast forward to being a first time mom with a six month old and a particularly scary strand and “hello flu”, you have my full attention. While we’re […] Read more…


What’s in Lyla’s Easter Basket

This will be Lyla’s first Easter and it’s a holiday that I’ve looked forward to enjoying with my own kids for many years. My parents always made Easter morning such a fun time and I have many wonderful memories as a result. I knew that this was something that I wanted to create for my […] Read more…


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