My New Year’s Resolution of Becoming Debt Free in 2019 & How I Plan to Reach It

I can honestly say that I am the rule when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. I make a valiant effort at the beginning of the year, but eventually my enthusiasm peters out. I think the problem may be that my resolutions are too abstract. Last year I vowed to stop apologizing so much. The […] Read more…


Monday Mood Booster

Happy Monday! I hope you enjoyed some time off to relax… or got to work on your New Year’s resolution. We finally had a reprieve from the gloomy rain that feels like it’s been hovering forever! It’s amazing what a little sunshine can do. Since this is our first long week back to work in […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!! After two weeks of having no clue what day it is…Tuesdays feel like Sundays, etc. I’m looking forward to getting back on track next week. The weekend will be a low-key one (also a nice change of pace) complete with a much needed self pampering hair appointment and some prep work for lots […] Read more…


Me versus my sweet tooth: How I get myself back in check after the holidays.

I am a huge believer of moderation when it comes to healthy eating. You won’t find me on a diet that forbids certain foods forever and ever until the end of time. It just wouldn’t work for me. I’d eventually be found huddled on the bathroom floor happily hugging a whole container of ice cream […] Read more…


Holiday Inspired Diffuser Blends

Christmas is less than a week away!! Whether you’re enjoying the last minute rush and testing Amazon’s two day shipping policy, or basking in the glow of not being a procrastinator, it’s definitely time to create that cozy atmosphere at home. Scent has a magical nostalgic way of transporting us back in time and can […] Read more…


How to Reduce Calories this Thanksgiving

For some the horror of Black Friday stems not from the crowds but from the fear of stepping onto the scale the morning after Thanksgiving Day. This dreaded step is warranted considering that the average American consumes 4,500 calories during their feast. Luckily, you can counteract the aftermath of this bloating holiday with just a […] Read more…


Essential Oil Spotlight: On Guard Blend

This time of the year, there is a wide array of doTERRA oils that I make sure I have in my arsenal. Fall is my favorite season, but it’s also when we start thinking about colds, stomach bugs, and of course the dreaded flu. So my beloved autumn is also when I go into germ […] Read more…


What to Buy at the Farmer’s Market in September

September is a great month. The hot summer days are finally winding down and it starts the countdown to my favorite season. I love seeing the pumpkins pop up in store parking lots and cringe understandably as hopefuls don their boots and sweaters in the 80+ degree temps. Fall is the best time to visit […] Read more…


Monday Mood Booster

Happy Monday! I hope you had a great weekend and are easing gracefully into your week. We had a busy couple of days consisting of a celebration dinner, a work event, and trying to get things ready for an upcoming weekend company retreat. Here are some happy links from my brain to yours. Enjoy! Ludacris’s […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! Congrats on making it through the first week of the new school year. Since I don’t have a school-age baby quite yet, I love seeing all of the photos on social media. It’s definitely a reminder of how fast they really do grow up. I hope you have some down time this weekend […] Read more…


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