My Go-To Healthy Crock Pot Meals

If I could only have one small appliance in my kitchen it would be……my coffee maker obviously…..but after that it would be my slow cooker, hands down. When I meal plan each week, I always include at least one crock pot dinner and it usually ends up being my favorite day of the week. There […] Read more…


Monday Mood Booster

Happy Monday, everyone! It looks like we’re in for a long week of gloomy rainy weather, so if you’re sick of this season (like me), I figured you could use a little mood boost to start your day. Enjoy and have a great day!! Enjoying my favorite weekday breakfast thanks to Ninja. I was forced […] Read more…


Healthy Options for Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day can be a tricky hurdle on the “New Year New You” get healthy journey. Between the boxes of truffles, chocolate strawberries, and bottles of champagne, you can quickly feel out numbered. How can you turn down those cute little sugar pill hearts that your kid comes home with in abundance? You’re doing your […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

We’re almost there! We’ve made it through another week and the weekend is but a few short (ish) hours away. I hope you have a fun two days planned. I celebrated my birthday this week and intend to use my wonderful gift cards up as quickly as possible. Before I dive into my online shopping […] Read more…


Favorite Valentine’s Day Apparel Items

Whether out for a romantic dinner date, or home enjoying a relaxing binge watching session, Valentine’s Day is a fun one to dress up for. I think we forget sometimes, as adults, that being festive doesn’t have to be limited to an annual tacky sweater party at Christmas. I distinctly remember when I was young […] Read more…


Monday Mood Booster

It’s the first day of the last week in January and I think many of us aren’t too sad to see the month go. I’m not sure what it is about January that just makes it seem to draw on forever. Possibly the end of the holiday season, the weather, or the daily battle of […] Read more…


Non-Toxic Ways to Make Your Home Smell Great

I love candles. They make a home smell great and feel inviting which are two things high on my check list whether I’m entertaining or simply having a nice evening to myself. As my process of attempting to eliminate harmful chemicals from the household evolves, I realize that my love affair with these potent pretties […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

Happy weekend eve!! I hope you’re having a wonderful Friday so far….most Fridays are wonderful just by default, so you’re on the right track. We have a lazy weekend ahead of us which is always a welcomed notion. The weather will finally be warming up, but in true Tennessee fashion, it’s only for a day, […] Read more…


Tips for Beating the Winter Blues

I feel like middle Tennessee has had a very gloomy winter thus far. Lots of rain, no snow (which would at least make the gloominess fun), and warm temps that take the coziness out of the days holed up in the house. I’ve noticed the less than ideal conditions more this year as I have […] Read more…


My New Year’s Resolution of Becoming Debt Free in 2019 & How I Plan to Reach It

I can honestly say that I am the rule when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. I make a valiant effort at the beginning of the year, but eventually my enthusiasm peters out. I think the problem may be that my resolutions are too abstract. Last year I vowed to stop apologizing so much. The […] Read more…


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