Happy Monday! It’s one of those mornings where the simple things are making me smile. My family (hubby, mom, and aunt) were gone on separate trips that overlapped last week and through the weekend. Being a work from home mom, these folks are my primary form of socialization and connection to the outside world on the majority of days. Although I am somewhat introverted and don’t mind at all being alone, towards the end of this family-less stint, I really started to miss the company. (Sorry random person at Kroger if I chatted you up for an inappropriate amount of time out of desperation.) Finally my people have returned and I’m so happy to have them here. Also, I house/dog sat for my mom and aunt while they were away….for five nights. I am a homemaker by nature and thoroughly enjoy my humble yet inviting home. Waking up in my own bed again and sitting in my own kitchen (even at 5am) makes me happy. Finding joy in the small things isn’t always easy, but sometimes it just comes after a little perspective. If you’re having trouble finding your happy this morning, I hope these links can help.
We’ve all heard the phrase “don’t sweat the small stuff”. Ir’s much easier said than done 99% of the time. But, still good advice. This article talks through several causes of small day-to-day annoyances and tips on how to keep your cool. My favorite is #4.
This tee because sometimes we need a simple reminder.
Any parents out there feel like bedtime is the ultimate battle of will? Lyla’s at an age now where I can totally relate to this cartoon.
Easter is my second favorite holiday to decorate the house for. The sweet bunnies and pretty spring colors are such a nice change of pace from the months and months of gloomy weather we’ve gone through. I love this candy bowl, this doormat, this Easter basket, and this peeps pillow.
This is the perfect spring time diffuser blend. The citrus oils are uplifting and energizing and the vanilla offers a warm undertone.
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