Fall is my favorite season, and I definitely find myself getting sucked into the “hurry up” vortex of pumpkin-spice loving, boots lacing, sweatshirt wearing, (then sweating by noon), mindset as the masses desperately await its arrival. Yes, I have already enjoyed perusing the aisles of HomeGoods for the newest fall decor pieces, but I am making a conscious effort this year to embrace the end of summer. Somehow, I have a 7- and 4-year-old. And, as much as I try to avoid it, the weeks do feel as if they are flying by. Instead of wishing the dog days away, I am attempting to seek the pleasures that these last few weeks will bring. Here are 9 simple ideas for how you can enjoy your late summer as well:

  1. Go for an After-Dinner Stroll. Evening is truly a great time for a family walk. The heat of the day has dwindled, and it allows the kids to get a little bit of fresh air before bedtime. We did this recently and if you have young kids like me, you understand why I call it a stroll vs a walk. Littles have a great sense of wonder and help us see the ordinary and mundane in a whimsical way. They love to stop, observe, pick up “treasures” (mostly trash in my experience). We are programmed to believe that movement should equal exercise. This time, instead of hurrying to burn a few calories, really dial into their/your observations and focus on being in the moment.
  2. Put Out a Hummingbird Feeder. If you haven’t put one out all season, it’s not too late! My little guys were super active this morning and it was one of the chilliest this summer. You don’t need anything expensive. I recommend a simple feeder or two (love these as they have the built in ant guards) and these chains come in super handy. Create your nectar by boiling one part sugar to four parts water. Make it a game to see who in the family spots the first customer.
  3. Replace One Staple Item in Your Home. We are all about to go into rotating holiday decorating mode for several months. Before the fun starts, take inventory of one thing that you use regularly that could do with refreshing. Suggestions could be new organic cotton sheets, fluffy towels, or finally replacing those scraped within an inch of their existence baking sheets. Whatever you choose, allow yourself to feel gratitude for the new item. Even small swaps can elevate your space and your mood.
  4. Enjoy an Evening Swim. We’re lucky to have friends with an awesome community pool. While we’ve been swimming multiple times this summer, we tried something new last weekend. We met up on a Friday evening and had a dinner time swim/pizza party. My girls loved seeing the sunset, the moon starting to shine, and were beyond excited to still be out there when the lights of the pool came on.
  5. Try a New Smoothie Recipe. All things comfort-based will soon be on our minds and weekly menu plans. Give yourself the simple gift of exploring a new morning smoothie option. I have been really enjoying the GGS Smoothie by Kimberly Snyder. Fair warning, it’s not sweet! But I love that I’m giving my body lots of nutrition early in the day. This is the blender that I’ve had for years, and I highly recommend investing in it or a comparable one to avoid the stop, scrape, resume method that takes ages to blend.
  6. Set Out Some Fresh Flowers. I happened to notice the waft of cinnamon brooms at Kroger last week. While pumpkins will not be far behind, I still plan to give my summer blooms the spotlight for a bit longer. Fresh flowers from the grocery story are one of the cheapest forms of self-indulgence (that I honestly don’t do enough). Give yourself the gift of one last dose of summer beauty.
  7. Plan a Weekend Getaway. The weekend before school started, we took the girls to the aquarium in Chattanooga. I wasn’t sure how much they would be into it, but they had a blast! Don’t wait for the masses to emerge during fall break, set up a fun two-night adventure to a nearby attraction.
  8. Start a New (Easy) Tradition. Tradition has the ability to fill us with nostalgia and dread all at the same time. As fun as they are, many of us are in a phase where our to-do list is already running off the page. Let this be an easy one. For example, my husband grew up with Friday night being pizza night. So, we now do the same. We make homemade pies and let the girls sit on a picnic blanket in the living room while we watch a movie together. This type of tradition is fun, easy, and actually makes my life simpler as I always know what Friday night dinner is going to be.
  9. Pick a Hobby. Dedicate a few hours to doing something that brings you joy. Grab a book, practice your watercolor skills, buy a new puzzle, or get out the old crafting supplies. Whatever makes the time fly in a fun way, indulge in. If it’s been so long, that you’re not even sure, then loiter the aisles of Hobby Lobby or JoAnn’s. You’re very likely to see something that sparks your creativity. The one stipulation is that it shouldn’t be anything productive or lucrative. Do it just for the simple pleasure of playing.

However you choose to do it, choose to embrace the end of the summer. Fall will be fabulous and here before we know it, along with the hustle and bustle of the approaching holiday season. Give yourself permission to slow down, look around, and enjoy all that is happening now.

Much love!! -Krista

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