When “Play” Feels Like a Four Letter Word

It is with some shame that I admit in this open forum that there are few requests that make me shudder more than when Lyla pops happily into the room and tosses the bomb of: “Mommy, will you play with me? (imagine in a slow motion demon voice)” Now, before I dissolve into a puddle […] Read more…


Where to Start with Essential Oils

I have been an oil-lover for over seven years now. I was introduced to doTERRA when I was the receptionist for a chiropractor and an advocate came in one evening to teach a class. I had heard of essential oils before, but had never been shown how or what to use them for. At this […] Read more…


9 Things in Your Pantry You Should Be Buying Organic

I recently posted about the 2021 Dirty Dozen list and how this has helped guide me for years as far as what produce to buy organic and where I can save the moolah. I feel like fruits and veggies are somewhat straight forward otherwise. Organic (in my opinion) is best so you know they haven’t […] Read more…


Dirty Dozen 2021: What Produce to Buy Organic

Ok, here’s the thing. Everyone has their own opinion on the whole organic food debate. Some think it’s a sham in order for food companies to get more money, others find it essential for everything in their kitchen to be organic. I can’t clear up any misconceptions or doubts you may have about the system. […] Read more…


The First Place to Look When Trying to Eat Cleaner

Eating healthy is made out to be this insurmountable feat of deprivation, counting everything…..carbs, sugar, number of times you think about eating that donut, spending massive amounts of money, and ciphering through misleading labels. All of these factors, plus outside voices of those Instagramming and shouting about the latest greatest new fad diet, are the […] Read more…


Gift Guide: Backyard Summertime Toys for Pre-Schoolers

June flew by in a blur of birthdays, vacations, and all the planning and preparation that goes along with them. While all fun and memorable things, I’m beyond ready for a slower pace. There are moments when I feel like the days creep by soooo slowly, but then I turn around and another month has […] Read more…


Friday Favorites

Happy Weekend Eve! I can honestly say I am extremely excited for a relaxing weekend (insert context: I still have 2 small kiddos). Let’s rephrase relaxing to commitment-free. June was an amazing month, but each weekend consisted of something. We had Lyla’s fourth birthday, an 11 hour haul to our beach trip in North Carolina, […] Read more…


Getting Back on Track After a Vacation

In my last post, I filled you in on the details of our recent vacation as well as the challenges that come along with age and post-baby body adjustments. What I didn’t mention was the massive amounts of food and alcohol that were consumed over the course of nine days….which ironically do not help us […] Read more…


Learning to Love Your Post-Baby Body

We recently enjoyed a week long trip to the coast with a wonderful group of friends. We try to do this “friendscation” every three years and this is our fourth trip. The first time we went in 2013, there were eight adults and one baby. Tim and I actually got engaged on the beach at […] Read more…


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