Photo Courtesy of Travel and Leisure

In my last post, I filled you in on the details of our recent vacation as well as the challenges that come along with age and post-baby body adjustments. What I didn’t mention was the massive amounts of food and alcohol that were consumed over the course of nine days….which ironically do not help us feel good about ourselves (mom bod or not). Of course there are unicorns out there that work out and eat clean while on vacay, but I daresay most of us fall into the first category of existing in a consistent state of over-indulge and bloat for the duration of the trip. So, what’s one to do when the real world snaps back into focus? Here are my tips for getting back to a healthy routine after indulging…..

  • Don’t Beat Yourself Up. This is a good motto for all areas of life. We can’t change the past, but the great news is that every second is a chance for a fresh start. We don’t have to wait for Jan. 1st or a Monday to wipe the slate clean. What happened even 30 seconds ago doesn’t have to affect the rest of that minute. Start fresh right now with a clear conscience and no regrets. You ate 12 pounds of crab legs a day and polished off all the mango seltzers Publix could bring you? Well alrighty. That happened and that’s the last you need to think of it. Time to focus on the now……right now.
  • Get Clear on Your Goals. Sometimes a break from the norm is a good time to evaluate what you’re truly aiming for with your health goals. Is it to lose 30 pounds? To have more energy? To eat more whole foods? To feel great? To have a better quality of life? Get specific. Saying “I want to be skinny” is waaay too vague. “I want to lose 15 pounds so that I feel awesome and have more energy to run after my dachshund” is much more attainable because there is a target goal as well as a motive.
  • How Do You Want to Reach Those Goals. Once you have the “what” and “why”, it’s time to come up with the “how the hell do I do it?”. This is the trickiest part in my opinion because there is soooo much noise out there telling you how to look and feel your best. Here’s how I see it: You know what you should be doing. Deep down you know. The hard part is committing and being honest with yourself. You don’t need a diet guru to tell you that bag of Cheetos is unhealthy, that whole foods that come from the Earth make you thrive, this thing called water….drink it, and you have to sling that body around daily in some form of exercise. So, make a plan. “I plan to wean myself off soda by October 1st.” “I will not eat desserts except once a week.” “I will cut back to eating meat once a day”. “I vow to try new cooking methods to make vegetables more tasty”. Insert your own wants and needs. Write it down and manifest the details to fruition.
  • Understand That You May be an Addict. This sounds dramatic, but it’s sadly true. Sugar is addictive……here is a study on it. Certain preservatives and flavorings in your favorite snacks are addictive. Caffeine is a big example of an addictive substance. I bring this point up because it’s not totally your fault if you’re craving that 5th coke or energy drink of the day. That bag of cheese flavored fried dough wants you to keep coming back for more. It’s quite lovely for those profiting off of your weight problems. Realize you’re being manipulated and get mad!! Once you’re good and mad, then it’s time to detox. It’s gonna suck. You’re going to have headaches, cravings, and be moody. But, once you get it out of your system, you don’t even miss it. I haven’t drank a full can of soda (except a ginger ale during the first trimester of pregnancy) in a decade and I grew up on Dr. Pepper, Diet Coke, Cherry Coke, and Mountain Dew. I am not just some crazy person who doesn’t like soft drinks. I simply decided to break the addiction. The thought of one now isn’t appealing in the slightest.
  • Detox. Ok, so you have accepted the fact that you went on vacation, fell off your healthy eating horse, ate that crate of Oreos, and hi you’re an addict. Now it’s time for detox. Honestly, the easiest thing is to go cold turkey. It seriously will take about three days of roaming your pantry like Cookie Monster and then the cravings will subside. But, if you need to take it more slowly (ie with sodas) cut yourself back to one or two a day and then the next week, go down another notch. Along with this, drink as much water as you can. Rid your body of those toxins you accumulated. Fresh squeezed lemon or lime is a great flavor addition. You can also eat water-rich foods such as cucumber, grapefruit, and celery. Watermelon is awesome this time of year as a great breakfast/snack option that will fill you up while helping you detox.
  • Reward Yourself. Yes, feeling great, losing that weight, having more energy are all great rewards, but sometimes you need something a bit more tangible. I enjoy sweets. So, if I am able to go a week without eating any, I reward myself with a sweet treat. Sometimes, I push the envelope and go two weeks. In this case, I reward myself with a purchase. Most recently, it was this pair of leggings and the matching sports bra. Complete deprivation is no fun and likely won’t last a lifetime. So, figure out something that will motivate you and use the promise of it to move you forward.
  • Announce Your Plan. Don’t be ashamed to tell your best friend that you’re not eating fast food this week because you’re the reason the seafood place ran out of bottomless shrimp while on vacay. Proclaiming your goals aloud to yourself and those closest to you will let everyone know the intention and help hold you accountable. “Sorry, I can’t go to lunch today, but will have a celebratory meal out next week once I’ve hit my goal and would love you to join me!” is a lot more fun than just saying no and slouching back to your desk. Find those who will help you and ignore the voices pulling you in the opposite direction.
  • Move, Move, Move! Falling out of your workout regimen is beyond easy…..and common. You go on vacation, you get sick, things get busy, Corona Virus knocks the world on it’s face, etc. Getting back in can be extremely tough. Use this as an opportunity to try a new plan. There is no one size fits all in the massive world of exercise. Options are endless. Hike, walk, kayak, try out a new online class, yoga, chase your toddler up and down the steps 15 times. Just move your body! Find something you love….not dread. When you get burnt out, shift gears and try something new. Being methodical isn’t the key….it’s being consistent.

Suggested tools and items:

  • Drink soooo much freaking water. You don’t need soda, juice, energy drinks, bottled lattes, or any other random weird potion on the market out there. You need basic H2O and a lot of it. Carry a cute glass or metal bottle around with you and get to chugging. Incorporate some green tea in your afternoon for a change of pace and added nutrients.
  • My current workout consists of one of these 15 minute videos, then a 30 minute yoga session, and trying to meditate for 10 minutes. I say trying because it’s truly something you have to practice. Slowing the mind down doesn’t come naturally to most of us. I do this regimen during the girls’ afternoon nap/ quiet time 3-4 times a week.
  • Eating whole foods isn’t tricky, but finding reliable recipe options can be. I love this book!! She also has tons of recipes on her website. This is what got me started into the world of non-processed foods.

What are your thoughts on vacation? Do you indulge, or do you stay the course?

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