June flew by in a blur of birthdays, vacations, and all the planning and preparation that goes along with them. While all fun and memorable things, I’m beyond ready for a slower pace. There are moments when I feel like the days creep by soooo slowly, but then I turn around and another month has passed. My goal for July and August is to truly embrace the dog days of summer and encourage a leisurely pace for my family. That being said, attention spans are short with a 4 year and 1 year old, so we still need activities to bounce back and forth from throughout the day. Now, let me preface that Rose is completely happy just climbing up and down stairs for an hour with mom in hot pursuit, but Lyla definitely needs more stimulation. Here are some suggested resources to enjoy outside this summer with the kiddos.
- Swing Set. We purchased a small one not long after moving into our new home last March. Covid was just hitting and I was six months pregnant with Rose. I would literally sit in a tailgate chair (sore back anyone?) and push Lyla for an hour. It was a lifesaver. Lyla can now swing herself and we installed a baby bucket seat so that Rose can participate as well.
- Sidewalk Chalk. Lyla has recently taken an interest in hopscotch which is super cute (and odd considering I never even played this game as a child). I literally had to Google image how to draw out the blocks for her. I love this nostalgic mindset and it’s great for her to practice writing her numbers. When the hopping fun has passed, she still loves to sit on the patio or driveway and make art with the chalk. I love these stencils as well!
- Scooter or Bike. Santa brought Lyla a scooter last Christmas even though mom thought she was too young. Much to my surprise, she hopped on that thing and scooted around like a pro. Santa for the win! It’s still one of her favorite things to pull out of the garage and take for a spin. Her bike has been a work in progress that I’m sure will get its fair share of use soon enough. We got her this adorable helmet to go along with them. Rose appreciates a slower pace and loves practicing walking with her stroller.
- Playhouse. This was a gift from my amazing in-laws for Lyla’s 3rd birthday. It’s adorable and actually looks so cute sitting against the fence in our small back yard. They built a wooden platform for it to sit on to keep it from just being on the grass which was an awesome addition!
- Gardening Tools. Lyla loves puttering around the flower garden with her “Dee” (grandma). I don’t have much of a green thumb myself, but am avidly trying. I love that Lyla gets to nurture this side of her brain and create awesome memories with my mom. The shovel has been used as a worm digging tool which is something she and her cousins love to do together. Thank God for cousins as I have zero interest in uncovering anything that wishes to be covered. We also got her the watering can and the gloves.
- Pool or Splash Pad. I would like a real swimming pool some day, but this current yard couldn’t handle it and my nerves couldn’t handle it until both girls have learned to swim. For now, we will stick to the inflatable variety. Both girls love it!
- Bubble Machine. I have to be honest. This is one of my personal favs on this list. It’s so simple, but when the backyard fills up with bubbles it just makes me smile.
- Sprinkler. Sometimes the best source of entertainment simply comes from attaching a sprinkler to a hose. It keeps them cool, happy, and wears the daylights out of them. Basically a win-win for parents and kids alike.
- Picnic Table. There will come a time when water needs to be drank, snacks need to be had, and some shade is essential. I am in love with this pint size picnic table set. If I’m going to have to stare at it in my cozy-sized back yard, I want it to make me happy. This does the trick for sure.
- Water Table. We’ve had one of these since Lyla was one and they don’t disappoint. Splashing is one of Rose’s favorite activities whether in tub or enjoying a spilled sippy cup. Love to let her do this on a hot summer day (all the summer days are hot here FIY).
- Slip N’ Slide. I haven’t set my eyes on one of these since my timid childhood days where I would never be convinced to hurl myself down and into the open gator mouth ala the 90s commercial. Especially not in conjunction with the cold hose water that was being thrown all over it. Lyla got to see one for the first time at a birthday party last weekend and was enthralled. They’ve come a long way and now are equipped with tiny inflatable boogie boards that help to avoid the dreaded plastic burn when the slip doesn’t quite slide.
What are your kids’ backyard summer time essentials??
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