This time of the year, I think Lyla receives more mail than I. The number of stores that put out catalogs with ONLY TOYS is quite surprising. While we do our best to moderate the worship of “stuff” during the holiday season, we do enjoy experiencing the fun of gifts through her eyes. The enjoyment of toys only lasts a few precious years, so I instill as much grace and gratefulness into her as possible and then rev up the ol’ Prime account. Here are my suggested go-tos if you’re shopping for a four year old girl this Christmas.

  1. Princess Jeep. Y’all, I can’t shake this damn thing. She has wanted a motorized vehicle consistently for two years now! I’ve had reservations as far as storage, yard space for roaming, and of course cost. But, the heart wants what it wants and I can even vividly remember my pre-school BFF who had one and I didn’t. Childhood scars or parental fatigue whichever your poison….Santa is finally giving in on this one.
  2. Learn to Read Books. Watching Lyla put letters together, writing words, and begin to take an interest in reading just makes me so happy. I was a reader as a kid and I look forward to seeing if she enjoys it as well. For now, I’ll take all the bedtime story opportunities I can and boost her confidence with these starter books.
  3. Polly Pocket Unicorn. Isn’t it funny how things stand up over time? I too remember Polly Pockets and Lyla is obsessed! This unicorn one is at the top of her wish list as well as the house after we purchased it for a friend’s birthday.
  4. L.O.L. Dolls. We recently dove into the world of L.O.L with this kit. Lyla immediately went into her room and played for an hour….by herself… snack or drink requests for 60 solid minutes. What is the voodoo magic? I don’t entirely get the appeal if I’m being honest, but that’s not the point. She loves it and I love that she is entertained. These ornaments are the perfect stocking accessories.
  5. Barbie Dream House. Age four is definitely a turning point when it comes to a child knowing what she wants and asking again, and again, and again. We skirted through the first four Christmases casually shopping for what we thought she would like and usually nailed it. That lovely time is done as the gifts are dialed in….and not cheap. Santa went for the Jeep this year, but this house was his runner up.
  6. Lite Brite. We interrupt this page of pink to bring you a nostalgic throw back. Remember these?? I loved them as a kid, so I’ll be curious to see what Lyla thinks. Anything that can entertain her for more than 15 minutes (other than screen time) is an instant parent win for us!
  7. Doctor Barbie. We’ve officially hit the Barbie phase and I have to admit, this highly requested item is pretty cool. It comes with Play-Doh that can be used to create a cast.
  8. LEGO Storybook. We’re finally graduating out of the LEGO Duplo sets which Lyla has absolutely loved! We’re ready for smaller pieces, but not quite for the big kid sets just yet. Luckily, LEGO is on the ball and makes some really cute options for the 4-5 age range.

What else would you add to this list??

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