I’m not one with a flair for the dramatic, so know when I title a post as I did this one, it’s legit. These books are ones that I have read, re-read, and will read again in the future. From finances to mental health to diet, these suggestions are amazing places to start your “new year new you” journey. No prior experience in any of the areas required. My one piece of advice is to select the arena you feel the most compelled towards and start there. Don’t overwhelm yourself with too many changes at once. ‘Tis the season to make unfulfilled personal commitments, so instead of making yet another resolution, simply be curious about improving one area of your life and see if it sticks. No pressure required.

  1. Financial Peace by Dave Ramsey. I literally found a signed copy of this book at a Goodwill in Indiana and it was made out to “Tim” (my husband’s name). If that ain’t a “hear ya go” from The Universe, I don’t know what is. Dave Ramsey is actually a Nashville local but has helped thousands of folks nation-wide get out of debt. For me and my family, this book was a starting point to change the projection of our finances forever. You can read more about our journey here. He offers simple baby steps in a motivational, but conversational tone that anyone can follow. Debt doesn’t have to be a way of life and he can show you the unpopular opinion of giving your monthly payments the ol’ heave ho.
  2. 100 Days of Real Food by Lisa Leake. I was not raised in an era where processed foods were deemed unhealthy. Our pantry was stuffed full of Little Debbie, Hamburger Helper, and boxed baking mixes. I drank diet soda as a kid and “organic” was not a word in our vocabulary. My parents did cook healthy meals, and I bring all of this up not to throw them into the hall of shame, but simply to let you know that my health journey did not begin until adulthood. This book is incredibly enlightening, offers easy guidelines, and yummy recipes. Her blog is another amazing resource. If cutting back on processed foods is your idea of healthy eating, this is your guide!
  3. The Audacity to Be Queen by Gina DeVee. Gina is a powerhouse of spiritual inspiration. I first learned about her when she was being interviewed on a Podcast and I was hooked. She is incredibly motivating and encourages women to live up their full potential by utilizing their connection to their spiritual self and feminine superpowers (and no, it’s not wearing a push-up bra and red lipstick….unless that’s your jam). She teaches us the true meaning of feminine energy in business and general life and it’s not what we’ve been conditioned to believe.
  4. You are a Badass by Jen Sincero. Want to kick yourself into high gear while also getting in a chuckle on the regular? This is your book! The chapters are short and incredibly easy to read while building you up and motivating you to shake the shackles of your auto-pilot day-to-day life. I am currently reading this one for the third time. Slow learner much, Krista? Actually, one thing I’ve learned is that retraining your way of thinking is like going to the gym. It’s a muscle that has to be exercised regularly to see any progress. Translation: it’s not a “read it and instantly transform” type of situation. You have to keep things fresh and revisit the words for things to stick. Luckily, Jen writes in such a humorous way that I have no problem going back to her amazing yet entertaining advice.

Lastly, I have two bonus books that I have not yet read but are on my list for the new year:

  1. The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein. I adore Gabby Bernstein! I listen to her podcasts regularly and have read her book Super Attractor. She is a spiritual coach that overcame addiction, depression, and more and now shares her wisdom with the masses. If you’re curious about this whole “spiritual connection” situation, you must check her out.
  2. A Joe Dispenza book. I realize this suggestion is a bit more vague, but this guy is seriously next level on some “you create your own reality” “mindset is everything” knowledge. He is so well versed and intelligent on the topic that it has overwhelmed me to sit down and actually select one of his many books to dive into. I have listened to him over and over on podcasts as well as read articles on his blog and tried some of his meditations. I love his work and plan to attend one of his amazing meditation retreats at some point. If you are familiar with any of his books, lemme know which one is the beginner’s guide!

There you have it, folks. My short, but powerful list of books that have positively affected my life in so many ways. It’s an on-going journey to evolve into a better version of myself but I’m dedicated to the process. I encourage you to let this be a time to move forward, but with ease and lots of self-love.

What are your favorite self-improvement recommendations??

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